Rocscience Course
Software and Training
Geodestek Ltd. Sti. has been carrying out the official reseller of Canada based world-leading civil, geology, and mining software developer Rocscience Inc. mission since 2011, as one of the two oldest international partners of the company. With being the developer of pacesetting limit equilibrium based slope stability program Slide and with its 16 stand-alone yet compatibly and integratedly running software accommodated in its product range, Rocscience has numerous users from the private sector, academy, and public. The software grouped under slope stability, excavation design, and geotechnical tools product ranges come into use of the customers with various licensing options. We present our endless gratitude to all of our peers that we try to push forward the geomechanical modeling practice together in our country.
Rocscience, focusing the usage of licenses in education and research, brings Academic Bundles into the use of the educational institutions in notably attractive conditions.
As Geodestek, we offer hands-on expert modeling support for Rocscience software upon request. Our team is ready to assist you, in any field of geomechanics, in case you require modeling support for your projects where our software is being used.
We have enhanced our nearly 10 years of workshop and custom themed course events to an international extent. We are able to guest you or travel to desired locations for onsite training within the extent of custom themed courses that can be shaped according to your software needs or application field. You can find about the complete history of our educational events on our webpage.
- Slide2: 2 Dimensional Limit Equilibrium Based Slope Stability Software
- Slide3: 3 Dimensional Limit Equilibrium Based Slope Stability Software
- RS2: 2 Dimensional Finite Element Based Analysis Software
- RS3: 3 Dimensional Finite Element Based Analysis Software
- EX3: 3 Dimensional Boundary Element Based Analysis Software
- Settle3: 3 Dimensional Settlement and Liquefaction Analysis Software
- RocFall: 2 Dimensional Rock Fall Analysis Software
- SWedge: 3 Dimensional Surface Wedges Analysis Software
- UnWedge: 3 Dimensional Underground Wedges Analysis Software
- RocPlane: 3 Dimensional Planar Sliding Analysis Software
- RocTopple: 3 Dimensional Toppling Analysis Software
- RSPile: 3 Dimensional Pile Analysis Software
- Dips: Stereographic Projection Software
- RSData: Rock and Soil Material Properties Determination Software
- RocSupport: Analysis Tool for Support Needs of Tunnels in Weak Rock Conditions
- CPillar: Analysis Tool for the Stability of Crown Pillars and Laminated Roof Beds