We Completed Our Training Workshop

We completed the 2D and 3D Geomechanical Modeling Workshop with Rocscience Software for Open Pit and Underground Mining Applications, which we held in Ankara on 25-27 May 2022, and the instrumental measurement and monitoring products product promotion event, which is open to visitors within the scope of the workshop. Within the scope of the 3-day event; Field Measurements of Discontinuity Orientations, Limit Equilibrium Based Slope Stability Determination, Shear Strength Reduction, Anisotropy and Effect of Joint Sets on Behavior and many more concepts. #Rocscience #Dips, #SWedge, #RocPlane, #RocTopple, #RocSupport, #EX3, #Unwedge, #Slide2, #Slide3, #RS2 ve #RS3 We shared hands-on using tools. We held an interactive session on instrumental measurement and monitoring systems.
We would like to thank the distinguished participants of the Turkish Mining Industry for their attention, active feedback and sharing our excitement.
For your geomechanical modeling training requests in Turkish or English, customized for your industry and application, face-to-face or online:
#Rocscience #GeoDestek